Sunday, July 20, 2008

Thoughts on Things

I have been thinking that I really need to focus on writing out my life story. Now that I have confronted my aunt and uncle about their part in my brother's abuse, I think it's crucial that they understand my story so they see I truly do understand them and I'm not judging them. I honestly want them to seek forgiveness and return home to the Church. I think I also want to send a copy to my grandmother, so she will see that there is nothing she has done that is so bad that God cannot forgive and use for her benefit. Truthfully, once it is written, I think I'll send a copy to each of my siblings. I just want to become an instrument of healing for our divided family, and I think that perhaps this will do it.

Of course, since it also happens to be the first chapter of my book Healing From Sexual Abuse, it can also then be used as part of the query letters I send out. I've gotten no response from the one publisher I did send a query to, but since I'm an unknown and had nothing to show them it doesn't surprise me. I'm sure they get about a gazillion posts a day with similar kinds of queries.

Hi Ho! Hi Ho! It's Off to work we go

Well, I got out of confession a few days ago for my financial mis-management, and got some very useful budgeting advice from Father Flynn as well as the admonition that if my income wasn't meeting the bills, then I had an obligation to go back to work. Fortunately, God worked things out rather neatly so that I am able to go right back to Verizon Wireless. Sophia had three interviews lined up the last couple of weeks but they all kept canceling. The temp agency told me she'd been having lots of trouble finding someone who was right for the job.

Monday, July 14, 2008

The Stars Were Made for Man

Before God created men, He created all of the planets and the stars and set them in motion. He then created the earth and all of the things that man would need to survive before, finally, creating man. Why would He have created more than just our planet if He had not meant for man to someday travel outside of it?

Not only did He create other planets, but a multitude of them, and He made certain we could see the stars and chart their courses as they moved. He knew we were curious creatures, and wouldn't rest until we had figured out what those bright shining lights in the night sky were. He built us with a desire to go up and explore. I don't think this was an accident.

You see, God's very first commandment to man was to be fruitful and multiply. Now, God being God, He knew that if we were obedient to His commands to the degree that we ought to be there would come a time when we would need more room. For this reason, He built the other solar systems and the other planets within our own solar system. So, to my way of thinking, this hype about needing birth control and abortion because we're going to run out of room to feed ourselves is a rather short sighted point of view. It presumes that the only place we have to go is Earth. Well, truthfully, we have a lot of room for expansion on Earth (think about all the land under the sea which we have not even begun to tap) before we run out of room on the earth. And, if we dumped all of the money spent on research for birth control, spent passing out birth control and condoms, and combined it with the money we spend to fund new and creative ways to kill off our own children (Darwin would be shuddering in his grave!), I think we could easily have funded such a project and been well on our way to having solved the problems we think we face while saving our souls at the same time. God never gives commands that He doesn't provide us ways to follow.

The ULTIMATE Green Machine

I've been reading up on advances in solar technology. I was amazed at what I found. Thanks to MIT's development of solar textiles and solar windows combined with solar paint, we now have the ability to create a completely solar powered electric vehicle. The paint on the car, the windows, and the upholstery could all be sources of solar collection. Combining these three things would make the entire car one giant solar cell, meaning that the car is continuously recharging whether running or not. Since the technology of solar power has improved sufficiently that direct sunlight is not necessary, this will work even in overcast weather.

This also means that homes and businesses can now easily tap into this solar technology. According to the researchers at MIT, just solar curtains in each of the windows were enough to power almost half of the needs of the home. If the windows and paint were also collecting, in addition to panels on the roof, you should have no problem powering even the most energy hungry buildings. We have the technology. Now, who's got the funding? It would be great if the US would step up to the plate here and fund this. It would end so many conflicts, especially those in the middle east. With no one needing gasoline to generate power, there would soon be no money funding terrorists. Talk about peace through environmental friendliness.

Monday, July 7, 2008

A LOT Has Happened Since Then

Well there's a lot that has gone on in the past few months. A LOT! I have written quite a few more things, which I will go back and back-post for my own amusement and the value of having records. Yes, that's cheating. No, I don't care. :) It's my blog.

A week after my April 5th post, I attended my Parish's CRHP retreat weekend. AWESOME experience, and highly recommended for anyone who is Catholic and has it available to them. I am now dead center in the middle of my formation process, and I can't wait. My faith has grown by leaps and bounds, and I am a regular attendee at daily mass. This is something I would NEVER have imagined myself being, truthfully just 7 months ago I would have rather gone to the dentist and faced a root canal without anesthetic than set foot in daily mass of my own volition. Then I came to realize, as a direct result of studying True Devotion to Mary by St. Luis de Montfort, that the daily readings at the Mass were Christ speaking to me each day, and the Eucharistic feast provided at Mass was Christ's effort to share Himself with me in the most intimate way possible. How could I say no to that and call myself a real Christian? For those who think that devotion to Mary couldn't possibly be good for the development of your faith in Christ, I can provide a certain witness that it not only is good for it but that of all the things I have done it has been the very best.

I did leave Verizon Wireless, but not until June 6th. In fact, come to think of it, yesterday was my one month anniversary of having left them. Due to the work of the Holy Spirit, I left on very good terms and had overcome my initial personality conflicts with my manager. I wish them nothing but the best, but I know I am needed elsewhere. I have three books I am in the process of writing. I think I will begin to post blurbs periodically here. The first book is called Healing from Sexual Abuse: Reconstructing your identity, Reclaiming Your Life, Rebuilding Your Faith. It's about healing from a Catholic Christian viewpoint. I'm excited about it. It's a long time in coming. The second book is called An Extravagant Love: A Divine Romance. It's Human History written from God's perspective. Ambitious, yes, but I think the timing is right for it. The third book is called Planning Your Way Into Heaven: Authentic Christian Goal Setting and Planning.
I've also written 14 additional songs since the ones I posted in February and found one I wrote 3 years ago. That brings my song count up to 18. I've also downloaded a music composer to help me get the music for it all together. Very exciting stuff.